Id Prio Anforderung Erstelldatum Status Version Beendet am Kommentar
1 1 The tool shall: 2022-05-31 ongoing 0 0000-00-00
2 2 Show ball name in confirmation pop-up when using the quick icons to move a ball to suitcase or a tray. 2023-12-11 solved 386 2023-12-10
3 2 Show active row on jump back from ball form. 2022-12-11 solved 390 2023-12-11
4 2 Show parent on jump back from ball form of a duplicate ball. Currently it is hidden under the banner. 2022-12-11 solved 407 2024-08-12
5 1 Require confirmation from the user when using the icons to move a ball to suitcase or tray after login. 2023-12-11 solved 385 2023-12-10
6 3 Show a confirmation modal instead of javascript "confirm". 2023-12-11 0 0000-00-00
7 2 Show selected balls only. 2023-12-12 solved 468 2024-12-04
8 2 As a user, I want to see an image of each ball so that I can identify a ball by looking at the image. 2023-12-12 ongoing 0 2024-11-06 Date of last update.
9 2 Show alternative image when default image is missing. 2022-05-31 0 0000-00-00
10 1 Cancel move into suitcase or tray when login is not performed or was incorrect when the "tray" and "suitcase" icons are used. 2023-12-12 solved 428 2024-08-16
11 2 Save a history of changes 2024-07-13 0 0000-00-00
12 2 Automatically update the quantity after a user change. 2024-08-10 solved 0 2024-08-09
13 2 Position the jump back to the current ball in the middle of the page. 2024-08-10 solved 0 2024-08-10
14 2 Jump back to the selected ball when "edit" or "copy" dialog was canceled directly after login. 2024-08-10 solved 0 2024-08-12
15 2 Repeat the sorting at jump back to the current ball. 2024-08-10 solved 0 2024-08-10
16 3 Display all unique images for duplicate balls. > When sorting by name, make a secondary sort by image, then display the image for a duplicate ball if it is different from the previous one. 2024-08-10 0 0000-00-00
17 2 Have an image for every ball 2024-08-10 ongoing 0 2024-11-07 Date of last update
18 2 Enter 'G' or 'C', depending on the current user, in the location field when the quick icon "suitcase" is clicked. 2024-08-11 solved 436 2024-08-18 Changed to 'Gü' and 'Ch' in Requirement 38.
19 2 When scrolling, offset the first ball on the page enough as not to hide it under the heading. The problem occurs in Firefox. In Opera and MS Edge the problem doesn't occur. See requirement 32. 2024-08-11 0 0000-00-00
20 2 Have both "suitcase G" and "suitcase C" options in the ball form. Enter "G" or "C" into the data base depending on which checkbox was checked. 2024-08-11 solved 436 2024-08-18 Changed to 'Gü' and 'Ch' in Requirement 38.
21 2 Jump back to the parent of the ball, otherwise it could be hidden and the properties will not be visible. 2024-08-11 solved 407 2024-08-12
22 2 Allow for entering the course where the ball is used per user. 2024-08-12 0 0000-00-00
23 2 As a user, for each ball I use on a specific course, I want to specify the lane for which I use the ball, so that for me I 1) can remove from that lane balls that are no longer relevant, and 2) have a game plan for the course. 2024-08-12 0 0000-00-00
24 3 Shall not have a "klein" checkbox on the grid page. 2024-08-12 solved 412 2024-08-13 The user can decrease the page size in order to see the whole tray without scrollling.
25 3 State "Benutzer abgemeldet" after logout. Currently it states "Abgemeldet". 2024-08-12 solved 416 2024-08-14 Implemented as "Benutzer wurde abgemeldet."
26 3 Display the message "Benutzer nicht angemeldet" when opening the "Benutzer" tab before login. 2024-08-12 solved 416 2024-08-14 Implemented as "Benutzer ist nicht angemedet."
27 3 Display the message "Benutzer ist angemeldet" when opening the "Benutzer" tab after login. 2024-08-14 solved 416 2024-08-14 Implemented as "Benutzer ist angemeldet."
28 3 The folder name on the server shall be "minidb". 2024-08-14 ongoing 0 2024-08-16 Folder name changed on 2024-08-16 Version ???. The folder xxxminigolf still to be deleted
29 3 Inspect whether determining the parentPage through $SESSION[PAGE] when using the quick "tray" and "suitcase" icons leads to a simpler code. 2024-08-16 0 0000-00-00
30 1 Allow 14 trays 2024-08-18 solved 436 2024-08-18
31 2 Javascript shall use the MAX_TRAYS value defined in the PHP code. 2024-08-18 solved 440 2024-08-24
32 3 Inspect whether the second solution ("block") on the following internet page solves the scrolling issue (Requirement 19). 2024-08-18 0 0000-00-00
33 3 Scroll to the next element when scrolling a page down. Currently (release 436) the next element is hidden under the table header. 2024-08-18 canceled 0 0000-00-00 Duplicate of requirement 19.
34 3 In the tray selector, highlight the active tray number. 2024-08-18 0 0000-00-00
35 3 The login form shall have a 'cancel' button. 2024-08-19 solved 0 2024-08-20
36 3 Display "user not logged in" when the 'user' tab is opened after timeout has expired. 2024-08-19 solved 416 2024-08-19 Implemented as "Benutzer ist nicht angemedet."
37 3 Jump back to the parent page when the login form is canceled. Currently it always jumps back to the ball table. 2024-08-19 0 0000-00-00
38 3 Shall display the location 'suitcase' as either 'Gü' or 'Ch', so that it cannot be confused with 'G' - the size of the ball. 2024-08-20 solved 438 2024-08-20
39 2 As a user, I want to be able to change the maximum number of trays, so that I don't have to contact the administrator each time a tray is added. See Requirements 40 and 62 for a solution. 2024-08-20 0 0000-00-00
40 2 Solution 1 of 2 for Requirement 39. The PHP code shall obtain MAX_TRAYS from the data base. If the user has entered a greater tray number, the user shall be prompted to confirm increasing the maximum number of trays. See Requirement 62 for an alternative solution. 2024-08-25 0 0000-00-00
41 2 Display a requirements page. 2024-08-25 solved 449 2024-09-01
42 3 Display "Gü" and "Ch" instead of "Koffer Gü" and "Koffer Ch". 2024-08-25 solved 441 2024-08-25
43 1 Allow 15 trays. 2024-08-25 solved 442 2024-08-25
44 3 Reset the tray position search when the user cancels the ball form without saving. It is confusing for the user if a ball form was canceled a long time ago and on opening it again a search from long ago is continued. 2024-08-25 0 0000-00-00
45 1 Be able to handle ' (apostrophe) in the input data. Solution: Escape the special character ' (apostrophe) with a \ (backslash). 2024-08-25 solved 457 2024-11-10 Solved for ball name. See Requirement 65 for image name.
46 3 Display the box selector higher on the page, so that the whole selection menu is visible without having to scroll down. 2024-09-01 canceled 459 2024-12-03 The selector is in the middle of the tile display.
47 3 Show the message "Benutzer nicht angemeldet" or "Benutzer angemeldet" depending on the user login status when switching from the "adminstration" tab to the "user" tab. 2024-09-01 solved 468 2024-11-19
48 3 In the code "settings" and "Einstellungen" shall be renamed to "options" and "Optionen" respectively, so that the labels correspond to those used in excel in order to increase usability. 2024-09-01 solved 449 2024-09-01
49 3 Display a priority column called "Priorität" or "Prio" in the requirements table. Currently it is called "Prioritat". 2024-09-01 solved 449 2024-09-01
50 3 Display one of the numbers "1", "2" or "3" depending on the data base entry for the corresponding row in the priority column of the requirements. Currently "1,2,3" is displayed in every row. 2024-09-01 solved 449 2024-09-01
51 2 Display the columns "state", "release", "last change" and "comments" in the requirements table. 2024-09-01 solved 449 2024-09-01
52 2 Support sorting of the columns of the requirements table. 2024-09-01 solved 451 2024-09-02 Sort by date is not supported. See requirement 58.
53 3 Display an empty field if no value has been entered in the requirements table so that it becomes easier for the user to distinguish between empty and non-empty fields. Currently it displays "0" for the release and "0000-00-00" for a date. 2024-09-01 0 0000-00-00
54 3 Display the tooltip "1: hoch 2: mittel 3: niedrig" for the priority column on the requirements page. 2024-09-01 0 0000-00-00
55 2 Automatically save inline changes in the requirements table. 2024-09-02 0 0000-00-00
56 2 Support paragraphs, each with it's own heading, in the requirements table. 2024-09-02 0 0000-00-00
57 2 As a user, I want to see a pictogram of every ball in the balls table, so that I can recognise the ball by just looking at the table. Currently some are not showing in MiniTest Version 452, e.g. 'GSP Vergiate 1984-2024'. (Cache has been cleaned manually with Firefox Menu > Chronik > Neuste Chronik löschen... > Zeitraum: Alle, Temporäre Dateien und Seiten in Cache > Löschen, but it doesn't help.). See Requirement 61 for a solution. 2024-09-02 canceled 0 2024-11-07 This is a browser quirk. As soon an MiniDb is synchronised with MiniTest, all pictograms are showing.
58 2 Support sorting by date in the requirements table. 2024-09-02 0 0000-00-00 See Requirement 52 for the other columns.
59 1 As a developer, I want to clean up the PHP function getSortedDbResult, similar to the function getSortedReqResult, so that the code becomes easier to understand and maintain, and possibly more efficient. 2024-09-04 solved 455 2024-11-07
60 1 Be able to handle # (hash) in the input data. Solution: Escape the special character # (hash) with a \ (backslash). 2024-11-06 solved 457 2024-11-10 Solved for ball name. See Requirement 69 for the image name.
61 2 As a developer, I would like to test whether cleaning the cache programmably, e.g. with the PHP function "clearstatcache", solves the missing pictogram problem of requirement 57, so that the user is not burdened with cleaning the cache. As a developer I would like to test whether there is a dependency between the pictogram displays of MiniTest and MiniDb, which could mean that no fix is needed. 2024-09-02 canceled 0 2024-11-07 This is a browser quirk. As soon an MiniDb is synchronised with MiniTest, all pictograms are showing.
62 2 Solution 2 of 2 for Requirement 39. The GUI shall have an input field for the maximum number of trays. See requirement 40 for an alternative solution. 2024-11-07 0 0000-00-00
63 2 As a user, I want the ball "Deutschmann 083 *" to sort under "D" and not be at the start of the table when sorting by name, so that I can find it by looking at the first letter of the ball name. 2024-11-07 canceled 0 2024-11-07 User error. There was a space before the name.
64 2 Display a "Version" column instead of a "Release" column. The column name was changed form "Version" instead of "Release", and now it is empty. 2024-11-07 solved 453 2024-11-07
65 3 Allow for the special character ' (apostrophe) in the image name, e.g. for pasi's_selection_#26.jpg. 2024-11-10 0 0000-00-00 Solved for ball name - see Requirement 45.
66 2 After Requirement 26 has been implemented: As a user, I want to be able to enter playing instructions for each lane of a specific course so that I can have a game plan for the course. 2024-11-16 0 0000-00-00
67 2 After requirement 66 has been implemented: As a user I want to be able to print a game plan for each course so that I can refresh my memory and make notes during a round. 2024-11-16 0 0000-00-00
68 1 As a user, I want the menu point Administration > Options removed so that each menu point have a functionality. 2024-11-16 solved 458 2024-11-19
69 3 Allow for the special character # (hash) in the image name, e.g. for pasi's_selection_#26.jpg. 2024-11-16 0 0000-00-00 Solved for ball name - see Requirement 60.
70 3 As a developer, I want a 'Date solved' and 'Version' for each solved requirement so that I can look-up specific solutions later. 2024-11-16 ongoing 0 2024-11-16 Date of last update.
71 2 As a user, I want the "Verwaltung - MiniDb" heading removed from the page when the "Verwaltung" tab is active so that all pages look the same. 2024-11-19 solved 458 2024-11-19
72 2 Correct spelling error "angemedet" to "angemeldet" in the file "constants.php". 2024-11-19 solved 468 2024-11-19
73 3 As a user, I want the banner of the requirements page to be as small as possible so that more requirements are visible and so that it corresponds to the banner on the balls page. Solution: Make the 'Id' column wider so that the sort icon appears next to the 'Id' heading. 2024-11-19 0 0000-00-00
74 2 As a user, I want the ball form to have a cancel button so that I can follow the logic and stay at the same place in the table. 2024-11-19 solved 390 2023-12-11
75 3 As a user, in the menu I want both the icon and the menu point name to change color when I hover over one of them so that it is clear they belong together and perform the same action. 2024-11-19 solved 469 2024-12-04 Partial implementation. If the menu area is hovered, but not the icon, only the menu point name changes color. If the icon is hovered, both the icon and the name changes color. See Requirement 79 for the full solution.
76 1 In Version 465, in file ball_menu.html: If you add another character to Line 46 '!-- i id="men_icon" class="new" onclick="tog();">/i> -->', the jump back from the ball form after a change doesn't work any more. 2024-11-28 0 0000-00-00
77 2 When using a quick icon to change the location of a ball there are different behaviors for the following two cases: 1. If the user is logged in, only the location is changed, the page is not reloaded. This results in the ball being in the "wrong" place if the balls were sorted according to location before the change. 2. If the user is not logged in, the page is reloaded after login, the sorting is done and the page jumps to the current ball. Should both be the same? If yes, which one should be implemented 2024-12-03 0 0000-00-00
78 1 If a ball is in a suitcase and the ball form is opened and saved, it displays an error popup requires a value in the suitcase field. The pop-up comes from the browser. 2024-12-03 canceled 468 2024-12-04 Problem existed in test versions only. 'novalidate' was deleted from the 'form' tag in ball_form.html
79 3 In the menu, both the icon and the description shall change color when one of them is hovered. Currently only a partial solution exists - see Requirement 75. 2024-12-04 0 0000-00-00
80 1 If the ball form is used to make a change, it doesn't open the ball table on clicking 'submit'. 2024-12-03 canceled 468 2024-12-04 Problem existed in test versions only. After the commented out 'header' tag in 'ball_menu.html' was deleted, the problem dissappeared.
81 1 As a developer, I want the 'user_menu' and 'admin_menu' html to have the same structure as the 'ball_menu' html, so that the html is simpler and the icon description changes color when the icon is hovered (but unfortunately not the other way round) see Requirement 75. 2024-12-04 solved 469 2024-12-04
82 2 As a user I want to be able to sort a selection with one click, so that it is easier to compare the selected balls with each other. At the moment all the balls are displayed when a sort is made. It requires another click to go back to the sorted selection. 2024-12-04 0 0000-00-00
83 2 As a user, I want a pop-up message telling me to close the dialog if "Auswahl aufheben" was selected while a ball dailog is open, so that I know that the action wasn't performed and what to do to get it perform. 2025-01-01 0 0000-00-00
83 Einträge